Three steps to using smartphone photography for marketing

Jeanette Lendon
Jeanette LendonJet Black Squares

Posted: Thu 9th Sep 2021

In this free business.connected workshop,  Jeanette Lendon, creative director at Jet Black Squares, tells you how you can use your smartphone to create marketing images for your business.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • An understanding of how you can use your phone to create eye-catching images

  • The different photography features smartphones have

  • Effective ways to promote your business online

This webinar is part of a series for business.connected. Check out the other events


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Jeanette Lendon
Jeanette LendonJet Black Squares
Hi, I'm Jeanette - or Jet to everyone - and I run smartphone photography masterclasses for corporate clients and personal. My ethos is that photography should be available to everyone, and by combining my teaching background, along with my corporate and commercial photography business I ran for 13 years, I combined the two and launched Jet Black Squares. My smartphone photography masterclasses are available online, where my phone is live-streamed to Zoom (or your chosen platform), so you can see exactly what I see, or, when allowed, in-person. There is also a huge correlation between photography and mental health, especially at the moment, and my 'Step Away from your Desk' sessions are a great way to leave the laptop behind, get out in the fresh air for an hour and learn a new skill.

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